Interview with the Co-Director, Ms. Laura Hogg

Interview with Co-Director, Laura Hogg
Reporter: Maya Dijakovic
Q1. How are you included in this year’s ZiMUN? What is your position?
Answer: I am co-director with Mr. Gresko, and I am just helping with organisation, organising the rooms, organising the speakers, and all those kinds of things.
Q2. How will this ZiMUN be different this year?
Answer: M.U.N follows a regular kind of structure, but with every ZiMUN, we try to add another sort of element to it, so the theme this year is “World in Crisis”, which is different to last year, so it kind of shapes the focus of a lot of the debate, but what also is slightly different is that we have an important key note speaker, last year we had Tracy Covern, she was amazing last year, but this year, we actually have a man, who is a really interesting academic, but also entrepreneur, who has run lots of projects with African leadership University and movement and initiative, and he’s got some quite incredible things to say.
Q3. How do you think ZiMUN will go this year? Is there anything you could be anticipating?
Answer: Well one of the difficulties we had with ZiMUN this year with all the commotion about the costing which is the boring thing, but with RGTS vs US dollar, and all those type of elements, so that’s been a bit of a problematic thing. Also with the January ‘Stay Away’ , our international visitors, who we were really excited to have, have decided to stay away themselves, so that’s a little bit sad, but we have got nearly 200 delegates from our local schools, so the representation from the local schools will be bigger than it ever has been, so that’s really exciting. We’re excited about making it a really successful and kind of challenging event.